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Full Moon in Scorpio

April 23, 2024 7:48pm EST

The 5 of Earth, The Queen of Air and the King of Fire

If we knew who we were in Truth, we would have no worries.  

If we cut out all that we have donned to fit in, be liked, look smart, stay safe, etc. … we would feel amazingly clear.

So our journey back to ourself is about taking off that which we have put on.  

Bringing us back to our True spark.

Our True Self.

Our True Self is the eternal spark that knows itself as of the whole while our Soul (or our Higher Self) is the arbiter of our experience.  

So we have a dream team that knows what’s up.

Why not use them?

Every morning I align my will to my True Self’s will and my Higher Self’s will.  

Because who wants to go roque?  Why not move with Spirit?

In this World our value is often measured by the external. 

But our abundance does not come from this reality. And, once you realize where your true abundance comes from, everything changes.  

You can put down the worry and just BE, knowing that you will always get what you need.

One of the most amazing things about this time frame is that you can no longer play for outcome.

But our systems and structures are built on outcome.  Therefore, so are we (to an extent).

When we drop outcome, we gain freedom.  

Freedom to follow our inspiration.  

Freedom to be in the moment without demanding what it looks like.  

Freedom to live.

While this energy is new, and therefore tricky for us to adjust to, it is also full of inspiration, curiosity, playfulness and wonder.  

It brings us back to our Spark.  Our essence.  Who we really are when we cut out all the unnecessary accoutrements and truly live.

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio!

These are my creations of The 5 of Earth, The Queen of Air and the King of Fire


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