My Journey
Ever since I can remember, I felt like I didn’t understand this World. It baffled me.
To say I felt different was an understatement.
Since it seemed that my way of being in the world was not the norm, I went about trying to fit in.
And so it went.
Even when I started my photography business in 1995, I would try to color inside the lines to keep others happy with my work.
I had moments where I wanted to be free from all the restraints, but I didn’t see how I could pull that off.
Then, in 2007, my son was born and my life changed dramatically.
I enjoyed every single minute with him. We were always off having adventures.
His entrance brought me so much joy, play, and an opportunity to experience life through the eyes of a child. He was the first human being that I felt truly “got me” and that I completely understood.
My son’s presence woke me up from a deep sleep.
I quickly gravitated towards the magical, the spiritual and the edges...the stuff that I had always loved and dabbled in, but had been scared to step into fully.
I found a Network Chiropractor’s office “for my son”. But really, it was for me.
I loved that the Network practice focused on energy instead of physical manipulation.
I simply could not get enough books and conversations about Energy work, Shamanism, Astrology, etc.
So I did a year long mentorship with a Shaman. I got my Master Reiki. I took Astrology classes, and then more, and then master classes. And I started playing around with Tarot.
One day a friend asked if I could do a Tarot read for him. Then he recommended a friend have a read with me.
I figured it was time to really learn Tarot.
I did a deep dive into Tarot through a teacher and wonderful friend. I could not get enough.
Immediately after finishing her intensive class, I started creating a Tarot Deck through my photography. This project has transported me into deeply transformative experiences one card at a time.
Back when I was studying Reiki, I quickly realized that it was based on a system, just like Astrology. I was sure those two systems fit together somehow. Tarot added yet another dimension.
And yes, they all weave together to provide much greater insights and transformation.
In 2020, when everyone was at home during Covid, I decided to offer a new service. I did distance Reiki, Tarot and Astrology all in one session. I would start with Tarot so that my client could meditate on the cards while I did distance Reiki. Then, after the energy work, I would take the information from the session and the Tarot into their chart for a deeper, more personal read. It fascinated me. I was hooked.
Just like photography, my esoteric practices keep evolving.
I’ve started teaching Astrology. My Tarot deck is nearing completion. I started studying Paul Selig’s work deeply and attending his many workshops. And, just last week, I started studying with a new teacher.
This is truly a wormhole for me. There is no end, and that makes me tremendously happy.
I have taken my practices into my photography sessions with tremendous results.
For me, life is not about putting things in different compartments. It is about incorporating it all.
My spiritual life is not separate from the rest of my life.
It is all one.
And everything and everybody I encounter is my teacher. Always.
Much love,
My teachers: Lynda Boozer, Marie Manuchehri, Meredith Swaim, Sabrina Monarch, Paul Selig and The Guides, Ash Jeanne and Dave Clark