September 2, 2024 9:55pm EST
Page of Air (reversed), Queen of Earth and 7 of Air
Last night at 7:57pm EST Pluto dipped back into Capricorn where it will stay at the last degree of that sign until November 19, 2024. After that date Pluto will not enter Capricorn again until February of 2254.
Or, I could say it this way instead:
This is the last time you will see Pluto in Capricorn in your lifetime (unless we start living A LOT LOT longer:)
Capricorn represents our structures, systems, top down government, the status quo, hierarchies, the reality we live in and our goals (among other things).
We are still experiencing our Pluto Return here in the US. This means that we are very close to the same point Pluto was at in July 1776.
Pluto returned to this degree in February 2022, and this was the first time it had returned since 1776.
So, what does this mean?
It means that we are ready to transform our reality, our structures, systems and our top down government.
Well that makes sense, right?!
Pluto brings out the shadow of the sign it is in and unearths what needs to be brought to light.
Interesting time frame for this last Capricorn visit for sure.
If you will, let’s all do this Earth a favor.
First let’s get really curious.
Pretend you don’t know anything and are here visiting Earth for the first time. Look at everything with wonder and an inquisitive, neutral mind (no dogma).
Question everything.
Secondly, decide what you would do to change this World so it becomes a more loving and light filled place.
Perhaps we look to nature for clues.
Nature possesses a deep intelligence that allows us to connect easily to our own Divinity.
And Natural law values everything and everybody on this Earth.
No exceptions.
Lastly, stay out of fearful thinking.
Every time you are making a decision, or doing anything, make sure it is coming from love not fear. If it is coming from fear, thank that fear for showing up.
Then ask yourself what you would have to believe to possess that fear. Hang with it for a minute. You will get the answer.
And, when you bring that answer up to the light of day, your fear will no longer make logical sense.
Then poof! It will disappear because it is not the truth.
*This last exercise comes from Darryl Anka.
Love evolves.
Fear does not.
And, we all wish to evolve.
This is it folks. It’s go time.
And we need everyone.
Spread the love!
Much love on this New Moon in Virgo!
These are my creations of the Page of Air, The Queen of Earth and the 7 of Air.